Iceland, June 2019: UAV data collection of the Hituholar volcano, eruptive centres of historical eruptions, faults and extension fractures within the Krafla Fissure Swarm, Northern Volcanic Zone, Iceland.
Santorini (Greece), October 2018: UAV data collection of dykes along the northern caldera wall and of volcanic layers in the Metaxa mine and on Caldera Beach and Vlychada beach.
Italy, September 2018: UAV data collection of active tectonic deformations in the eastern Alps.
Etna volcano, Italy: UAV data collection of monogenic cones, fissures, faults associated with the 2018 Fleri earthquake and of the epicentral area.
Iceland, June 2018: UAV data collection of fractures and historical eruption in the Krafla Fissure swarm, Northern Volcanic Zone, Iceland.
Maghoodoo (Maldive), April 2018: VR collection of submarine environment.
Salse di Nirano Geopark, Italy: UAV data collection of mud volcanoes.
Iceland, July 2017: UAV data collection of scoria cones, faults and fissures, and Holocenic eruptive centres in the Theistareykir Fissure swarm, Northern Volcanic Zone.